I am very uncomfortable writing these words. My quest for social justice has led me to a place I did not foresee. It has brought me to—as it is the wont of my friends and fellow warriors to say—"a decision I must make and a stand I must take."
Moments like this are always wrought with fear. When you challenge the white patriarchy-capitalist-supremacist complex, it is not hyperbole to say you are risking your life. Until now, I took comfort knowing my friends and fellow warriors would stand with me. Writing these words, though, I am very uncomfortable because this time I fear I will stand alone.
First, a confession: I love slasher flicks. Since a sleepover at a friend's house when I was twelve years old, I can't get enough of them. The first one we watched that night, also the first one I ever saw, dear to my heart, was Cabin in the Woods. I had never seen.